Participation in Shannons Rally Retro Festival display and demonstrations is by invitation only. If you have a rally car that you think is suitable, please contact us to discuss an invitation well before the event.
Vehicles eligible for an invitation to display, for judging and demonstration runs will meet one of the following criteria:
- Genuine ex-works and other significant cars from “The Day”, both International and Australian in original livery and specification.
- Other cars from “The Day” that do not meet Category 1, privateer cars etc. Should be in period livery and of original specification.
- Replicas of period cars, in period specification and livery.
- Invited cars considered by the organising committee as cars of distinction.
All details following are subject to change. Please check later in 2024 for updated information.
What to do? Who to pay? How long will I be there?
Entrants and exhibitors should aim to arrive between 7:00 am and 8: 30 am and certainly, no later than 9:00 am.
Proceed through the gate where you will be directed to the display area (driven cars) or the trailer parking area (cars on trailers).
Entrants should park in the display area strictly as directed by a Rally Retro Festival team member. Once parked, please go straight to the event desk near the marquee to receive your information pack.
There is no entry fee for rally cars invited to display. A fee of $90 is payable for rally cars taking part in the demonstration runs. This will be by pre-payment with your entry form after receiving an invitation. Your invitation will provide all the details of how to pay.
You will be given one of TWO coloured labels to be displayed on your windscreen and an entrant pack. The colour you get will denote whether you are display only or display and demonstration runs.
Scrutineers (for vehicles doing the demonstration runs) will come to you. Please empty your car before they get to you.
We expect you will have time to have 4 runs on the track.
The day will finish at 4:00 pm at the latest. You should be able to pack up from around 3:00 pm.
You may bring a 3x3m shelter if you wish. Be mindful of securing it well, in the case of wind.
The public will be arriving from 9:30 am.
Scrutineering is for those Vehicles doing the demonstration runs. Scrutineers will come to you. They will know which cars to scrutineers based on the coloured dot on your windscreen.
Please remove all loose items from your vehicle and be ready to help the scrutineers open the bonnet and boot.
Regulations stuff, eg, helmets, clothing, tyres
Please read section 6 and 7 of the Supplementary Regulations carefully. Contact us if you have any concerns. We want you to have fun and enjoy the day. Let us help you over any hurdles before the day arrives.
If you don’t have a complying helmet (eg: AS1698) Please let us know.
If you don’t have a fire extinguisher that is ‘in date’ Please let us know.
If you think your car does not comply with section 7 in any way, Please contact us.
Clothing worn when on the track must be from neck to wrist to ankles and suitable shoes.
If you have any questions or concerns about what you need to do the demonstration runs, contact us before the day.
We realise that for some of us and the cars, this may be the first time on the track in a long time. We want you to enjoy it… Our capacity to help on the morning of the event will be limited!
Supplementary Regulations
The demonstration runs will be covered by Supplementary Regulations, approved by MOTORSPORT AUSTRALIA.